


Hussein Mohamed Abdelsalam Abdelfatah, was born in Cairo, Egypt. on January 27, 1976. A faculty member at Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt since 2011 with major in Educational Technology. After his return from Ph.D. scholarship in Germany, he served as a manager of e-Learning centre, cooperated with his team in designing and publishing some e-Learning university courses in different scientific areas that being utilised later within different Egyptian Universities. Reviewer for several international journals. Participated as a member, presenter and/or session chairman in international workshops, projects and conferences (e.g. Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany, Portugal, Austria, USA, Lebanon, Egypt and Kingdom of Bahrain).

Email: hussein.abdelfatah@edu.suez.edu.eg
Tel: (002) 010 111 888 76


1983 – 1988 Elementary School, Cairo, Egypt.
1989 – 1991 Preparatory School, Cairo, Egypt.
1992 – 1994 Secondary School, Ismailia, Egypt.
1995 – 1998 University, B.Sc. of Education, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
2000 – 2001 Professional Diploma, Educational Psychology, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
2001 – 2002 Special Diploma, Educational Technology, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
2004 Master of Education, Mathematics Education, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
2011 Ph.D. Educational Technology and Mathematics Education, Karlsruhe University, Germany.



05. 2011 – Now Assistant Professor of Educational Technology, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
01. 2012 – Now University Coordinator of TEMPUS (EduCamp) Project.
11. 2011 – 06. 2012 Manager of E-Learning Center, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
01. 2010 – 02. 2011 Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany, PhD Candidate.
03. 2007 – 01. 2010 Bayreuth University, Math. Institute, Germany, PhD Candidate.
2004 – 2007 Suez Canal University, Teaching Multimedia Authoring.
2004 – 2007 Suez Canal University, Lecturer in Education Development Center.
1999 – 2007 Faculty of Education “all branches”, Teaching Training facilitator.
2002 – 2004 Curricula Dept. Faculty of Education, Lab Teacher of Educational Technology.
1999 – 2002 Faculty of Education. Suez Canal University, Teaching Statistical Analysis for Social Science with SPSS.



Master’s Thesis:

Abdelfatah, Hussein, The Effectiveness of a Multimedia-Based Program for Primary Prospective Teachers (Math’s Section) to Acquire Applied Mathematics Prerequisites and its Transfer of Learning. Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University (SCU), Ismailia, Egypt. (August2004).

Ph.D. Dissertation:

Abdelfatah, Hussein, Improving Attitudes towards Geometric Proof through A Suggested Story-Based Dynamic Geometry Approach. University of Education Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. (January 2011).

Research Paper:

Abdelfatah, H. (2011). A story-based dynamic geometry approach to improve attitudes toward geometry and geometric proof. ZDM, Volume 43, Number 3, Pages 441-450. Presented at the i2geo conference in Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic.

Abdelfatah, H. (2013). Improving the attitudes and the skills of the educational technology students/teachers through changing the methodology of three sustainability-based courses. 1st Young Research Conference at Suez Canal University. Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.

Abdelfatah, H. M. (2015, October). The effect of using a developed spoken social networking website on instructional technology students attitudes and habits in Egypt. In 2015 Fifth International Conference on e-Learning (econf) (pp. 104-116). IEEE.

Abdelfatah, H., M., & Maarouf, M., A. (2015). The Effectiveness of using Simulation Technology on Developing Professional Competencies of Fresh Graduates in Garments. Faculty of Applied Arts Journal, Damietta University, Egypt, 20.

Abdelfatah, H. M. A (2016a) Developed Social Android App To Acquire Design Skills For Instructional Technology Students In Egypt. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education. 6(1), PP 24-35.

Abdelfatah, H., M. A. (2016b). Cyber Learning from Reality through Virtuality to Holoportation: Status-quo and A Proposed Model for Closing the Gap in Africa. Presented at the Africa New Perspectives, Cairo University, Egypt.


Doctoral Scholarship in Germany. 2007 – 2011


August/2004 A Multimedia-Based Program in Mathematical Prerequisites, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
Feb/2006 A Suggested Virtual Laboratory to Evolve Students’ Achievement and Attitudes towards Geometry Proof, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
WS/2008 Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Geometry and geometric Proof, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
WS/2008 Bringing real-life situations in geometry class and bringing abstract geometric concepts and geometric proof to life, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
SS/2008 Teaching Geometry Proof with Dynamic Geometry Software, Bayreuth University, Germany.
10/2008 Developing an Arabic Interface of GEONExT Software, Bayreuth University.
SS/2009 Overcoming false Beliefs and Negative Attitudes towards Geometry and Proof throughout Dynamic Geometry Activities, Augsburg University, Germany.
12/2011 The Importance of Educational Design for E-learning and Multimedia Authoring, e-learning center, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
03/2012 Effectiveness and Efficiency of E-learning, Faculty of Education, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
10/2012 Education for sustainable development and educational technology, Faculty of Education, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.



4/2007 SINUS Workshop in Halle/Saale, Germany.
7/2010 I2GEO 2010 Conference, in Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic.
9/2010 Oberseminar Südwest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
10/2011 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), TEMPUS RUCAS, Notre Dame University (NDU), Beirut, Lebanon.
03/2012 TOT EduCamp Project, Graz Styria Austria.
04/2012 A Workshop on Establishing E-learning Unit in the Faculty of Commerce, SCU, Ismailia, Egypt.
05/2012 TOT EduCamp Project, Limerick Ireland.
06/2012 TOT EduCamp Project, Torres Vedreas, Portugal.
11/2012 Organising “Education for sustainable development beyond the campus” students conference -TEMPUS EduCamp Project, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.



1999 – 2006 Curricula Dept. Seminar, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
2007 – 2009 Dynamic Geometry Software “GEONExT” – Development, Bayreuth University.
2007 – 2009 Teaching and Learning with Dynamic Geometry Software, Bayreuth University.
2010 – 2011 CERMAT’s seminar, University of Education Karlsruhe
2011 – Now Curricula Dept. Seminar, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.



Basic Applications Under Windows Linux or Mac OS: such as MS and Open Office.
Multimedia Authoring Such as Director, Lingo Script, Sound, Picture and Video Editing Applications.
Web Design HTML, CSS, Java and JavaScript.
Dynamic Mathematics Such as GeoGebra, GEONExT, Cinderella and EUKLID.
Statistical Analysis Such as Excel, SPSS, SAS, Minitab, SPlus and Sigmaplot.
Other Skills Computers/Mobile Devices’ Software and Hardware Maintenance.



Egyptian and Standard Arabic: native languages, German: v-good, English: v-good,  and basics of other languages.


Bike, Chess, Drawing and Photographing.

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